It's already been a week since Christmas holidays ended and I started to think about all the exams I'm about to do, the hours and hours I'll spend studying and I already feel like I need some vacations. With this feeling I started watching my LA pictures from this summer (the more I watched the pics the more I wanted to go back there) and I thought it would be a good idea to show them! Most of the pics are from instagram so if you want to follow me my name is @criswang! Hope you like it and good luck with your exams!
Hace una semana que se acabaron las vacaciones de Navidad y yo ya necesito unas. Sólo de pensar en todos los exámenes y lo muchísimo que voy a tener que estudiar me estreso. Y por eso mismo me puse a ver las foto de este verano y pensé que estaría bien que os enseñara algunas! Muchas son de instagram así que si queréis seguirme es @criswang! Espero que os guste y mucha suerte con vuestros exámenes!
The Georgian Hotel (Santa Monica), I absolutely love the colour of the building/ El Hotel Georgian (Santa Mónica), me encanta el color del edificio.
Redondo Beach, getting ready for the 4th of July fireworks/ Redondo Beach, preparándonos para ver los fuegos artificiales del 4 de Julio
4th of July cupcakes/ Cupcakes del 4 de Julio
My sister Mónica (instagram: @moni_wang) and I in a BBQ restaurant/ Mi hermana (@moni_wang) y yo en un BBQ
Redondo Beach again
Rodeo Drive, Beverly Hills
San Diego
Rancho Palos Verde from Redondo Beach
Yummy frozen yoghurt (I spent whole summer eating it every single day) / Yoghurt helado ( me pasé todo el verano comiendolos para merendar, desayunar o porque sí)
Chinese Theatre, my hands on John Travolta's
My sister Miriam (instagram: @miriamwangwu) and I somewhere Downtown LA